Rochester Move Poster!
Fallout Poster
Iowa City Repair Cafe Poster
retro/analog graphics

Base after effects animation

base after effects animation
base after effects animation
animation filmed on commodore 1702 crt
animation filmed on commodore 1702 crt
small clips from client video work
lil lad turnaround
Music from Installations promo art
Music From Installations album art
PS1 Art-a-thon 2023 project Poster Design
Barbie Poster Design
hollywood [fish]bowl poster design
blender 3.5.1 abstract cloth simulation renders
Open Air Media Festival 2023 Installation marketing/Artwork
Open Air Media Festival 2022 Installation marketing/Artwork
marketing for workshops
Bijou Open Screen 2022 Event Pamphlet design
front of pamphlet
front of pamphlet
inside of pamphlet
inside of pamphlet
Bijou Open Screen 2022 Submission marketing material
widescreen format to display on television/projection screens across campus
widescreen format to display on television/projection screens across campus
poster format to display on physical prints plastered across campus
poster format to display on physical prints plastered across campus
1:1 format to display across social media platforms
1:1 format to display across social media platforms
Album cover art 
disco steve dino nugget album art - 2021
disco steve dino nugget album art - 2021
disco steve bingo theme album art - 2022
disco steve bingo theme album art - 2022
disco steve 24hour spooktacular album art - 2022
disco steve 24hour spooktacular album art - 2022
theater events marketing art
University of Iowa enamel roleplay production marketing art
University of Iowa enamel roleplay production marketing art
University of Iowa enamel roleplay production cast list
University of Iowa enamel roleplay production cast list
University of Iowa enamel roleplay production audience advisory sign
University of Iowa enamel roleplay production audience advisory sign
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