installation marketing art i designed for the piece.
recorded section of audio produced while connected to an aloe plant.
this project was created for and presented at the 2023 Public Space 1: Open Air Media Festival. it featured a device that measured the bioelectricity of plants connected by tens connectors and translated that information into triggers to create music. notes, chords, tempos, progressions, etc. were all pre-determined within set windows of opportunity that the plant triggers would only fit within. ie: the plants wouldn't play a note or chord outside the range of notes and instruments i provided in a given soundset. though these soundsets could be changed. the audience was also given free reign to connect the tens clips to dozens of plants at the installation and could also touch the plants to affect the bioelectric current, changing the sounds, notes, chords, and tempo of the piece.
installation marketing art i designed for the piece.
recorded section of audio produced while connected to an aloe plant.